During the holiday season many people reflect on the previous year and their relationships with family and friends. It is a time to reflect on the future as well. Holidays are also an emotionally charged time and stressful for many couples. Accordingly, the holidays can bring up or even escalate problems in a marriage.
In many cases, the post-holiday spike in divorces is a result of feelings that arise in unhappy spouses during the holidays. In fact, the holidays are a time when many people begin to think about marital issues and the possibility of divorce. As a result, divorce filings rates tend to peak between January and March. If you are considering divorce, it is important to discuss your legal rights and responsibilities with a divorce attorney. A California family law attorney can answer questions specific to your divorce and what to expect.
Why Does the Divorce Rate Spike After the Holidays?
There are some practical reasons for a spike in the divorce rate a few months after the holidays. Firstly, if you are contemplating divorce, you may need time to decompress from the holidays before making a final decision. Ending a marriage is a major life event. Like many spouses considering divorce, the holidays can be a time for soul searching and deciding on the best options for your family.
Another important consideration is the issue of personal finances. When considering divorce, you will need to evaluate your finances. You will need to carefully review both currently and how they will look after your divorce. Additionally, many couples have shared assets that will need to be divided equally. You will also need to understand the rules for accessing assets during and after a divorce.
Planning Ahead for Divorce
Personal feelings and concerns about finances are usually the most common reasons that filing for divorce can take time. Like many spouses who are considering divorce, you may put your plans on hold in order to protect your children and other family members during the holiday season. Most people need a few months to accomplish this, so they wait until after the holidays to start the process.
If the impending holiday season is affecting your thoughts about divorce, you owe it to yourself to discuss your current situation with an experienced family law attorney. If you are thinking about filing for divorce after the holidays, use this time to prepare for and understand the divorce process, your rights and potential outcomes, including child support and spousal support. With preparation and accurate information you can make an informed decision about divorce.